Cheryl Waters

Cheryl Waters

Cheryl Waters

The Midday Show
Last show: Wednesday, Oct 23 2024, 10AM
Thursday, May 24 2018, 10AM
10:06 AM
257th spin
10:16 AM
189th spin
John from Chicago told KEXP an inspiring story about recovery and the songs that helped him, including O.N.E. by Yeasayer. As he puts it, "This song is such an anthem for anyone who is trying to break up with booze."
An anonymous listener shared an inspiring story with us. "On my way to rehab, I was anxious. I listen to Death Cab for Cutie's 'Soul Meets Body' over and over again. Thanks to recovery I found my soul... Coming up on 12 years this summer."
10:26 AM
7th spin
This was a request and story from Nikole, from Covington. She says "Pieces nourishes my soul... I hope all the millions of others in the world will find comfort in these songs."
10:38 AM
248th spin
10:46 AM
64th spin
All day today, KEXP is focusing on the role music has in healing from addiction, and the recovery process. If you or a loved one is struggling, KEXP has compiled resources that can help. You are not alone.
This is a cover of Bob Dylan.
The Maldives play at CCF Filson in Ballard tomorrow at 7PM, it's free and all ages.
11:22 AM
56th spin
A moving request and story from Erica. She says "When I was in treatment, we weren't allowed to have music of any kind. There was a tiny track that ran around the treatment center and once I felt strong enough to move around again, I would walk around that track singing Stars' 'Your Ex-Lover is Dead' out loud. It took a couple more months of trying to find my way to recovery, but I did."
Thursday, Oct 24, 2024  
Event Info
11:30 AM
77th spin
Thanks to Dave for the request and story. If you or a loved one is struggling, you are not alone, and there is help. KEXP has compiled a list of links to useful resources here:
11:37 AM
22nd spin
Thanks to Brandon for sharing how this album has helped him recover from dark times. As he says, "A Deeper Understanding is an album that contains part of my soul within it. It helps me remember feelings that are difficult to remember, it provides a safe space to remember them in."
This is a request from Meredith to Bill and Heather, people who played important roles in her recovery so far.
11:48 AM
149th spin
12:07 PM
80th spin
Thanks to Ayako for the story of recovery from dependence and beautiful request!
This song is from Sophie, to her brother. "He's on the road to recovery from his addiction with heroin.... I want him to know his sister loves him and is rooting for him every day"
This is a request from Mindy, who also shared a great story of her recovery. "I checked myself into a treatment program unsure of what to expect, just knowing I couldn't do it alone. The entire 28 days I was there, the song 'How it Feels to be Free" by Nina Simone played in my head... My life is peaceful, enjoyable, and I am getting so much more out of it. Music truly heals, even if it's just playing in your mind."
12:39 PM
2nd spin
If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, you are not alone. KEXP has compiled a list of useful resources for you, check it out:
Friday, Nov 22, 2024  
Event Info
12:44 PM
12th spin
Cora shared her story of recovery and request with us, thank you to her! "Here is to healing. Here is to others choosing to avoid that which hurts, but hides under the gauze of fun. Here is to taking it day by day. Keep going. You are not alone."
12:49 PM
4th spin
An anonymous listener shared with us: "I'm in recovery and it can be devastating to see people not make it. Some die of overdose, suicide, some just disappear and I don't know what happens to them. Two songs that I come back to that validate my feelings around this heavy subject are Mazzy Star's Cry Cry and VNV Nation's Standing."
Tara requested this song, saying "Lyrically, it captures a lot of what I was feeling going into and coming out of the process of getting sober almost exactly four years ago"
This request and story comes from Alex, who started recovery this year and has been helped out of a darker place by Frightened Rabbit's music.
1:05 PM
32nd spin
Thanks to Alex for the request and story! They say "Thank you for making me feel part of a community. One of the big issues I have been working on in my own mental health journey is being okay with the sadness that's been with me my whole life. Sometimes you just have to sit in the darkness" You aren't alone Alex, thanks again for reaching out!
1:21 PM
22nd spin
1:27 PM
81st spin
Mack requested this song in honor of his mother, thank you for the touching story.
Anne shared this request and the great story of her recovery: "My last drink was the morning of election day 2012. There were no meetings, no detox centers, etc, just a quiet struggle with the assistance of family who knew and my best friend, me on my own trying to learn a new world that looked and felt so different in those early days"
1:57 PM
34th spin
Today's message is all about letting you know you're not alone. Whatever it is you're dealing with there is help. Send us your stories and requests about how music has helped you with addiction and recovery!
2:33 PM
35th spin
We're here today sharing stories of addiction and recovery and how music helps with these struggles. You're not alone.
If you're struggling with addiction or on a journey to recovery we have a list of great resources to help you on the path visit: to seek help.
Life is a gift, and you're always worthy of love. We're here for you and if you need help visit for our list of resources
2:42 PM
1st spin?!
If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction or on the road to recovery and would like to share your story email us at and visit for a list of resources.
2:44 PM
91st spin
No matter who you are, or what you're going through there are people who love and care for you. If you or a loved one are seeking help visit for a list of resources
2:50 PM
1st spin?!
Jason requested this song in celebration of being 4 months sober. Thank you for sharing your story Jason and stay strong.
Antonia shared their story with us and how this song helped: "Before sobriety, my life was painful and small. I was 21, driving around Minneapolis, completely lost and listening to Kid A on repeat. I couldn't understand how my life had become so completely out of control and I wanted to disappear. To this day, I hear "How to Disappear Completely" and I'm back at that moment - pulled over on the side of the road, totally overwhelmed and sobbing. At the time I couldn't see past my arm - nothing existed beyond my pain. My last day using was 11/27/2001. Although the first years were sometimes excruciating, my life now has expanded to be something larger that I could have possibly imagined back then. I wish everyone in the struggle of addiction this small morsel of hope - it can get better, and usually it does. My goal is no longer to disappear. For awhile now, it has been to live and live big"
3:02 PM
4th spin
Share your stories on addiction and recovery with us here at KEXP emailing
Tom Petty passed last year due to addiction related issues. If you or a love one are seeking help visit for a list of resources.
Today is a special day where we are dedicating the show to the healing power of music through addiction and recovery. If you have a story or a song request that helped you through times like these, please share with at by emailing
Macy Gray's "Beauty In the World" is a great reminder of just that. There is beauty in the world and we want you around for all of it. If you have a story to share or a song that has helped you on your journey of addiction and recovery please email us at and share. Remember you are not alone and help is out there.
3:28 PM
464th spin
John Darinelle of the Mountain Goats has suffered from addiction in his life. If you find yourself or a loved one who also is suffering and looking for help please visit heals for a list of amazing resources to help you on your journey.
Love the Life You Live is exactly what we want for you and everyone else. If you're struggling with addiction or on the road to recovery and want to share your story send us an email at
3:41 PM
1st spin?!
This was the first performance after our new gathering space! Today we're focusing on the power of music and the impact it can have on the recovery process.
3:52 PM
116th spin
Anne shared her story with us today and said TV on the Radio was very impactful in their journey "I’ve been in full addiction for years now and have had many attempts at recovery, after today I am inspired to seek treatment again... I will have to again break the news to my family and friends that I’m even using again. It’s never easy but necessary if I want to stay alive and be the best version of myself that I know I can be. Shout out to sundown m ranch rehab. The first time I went, I didn’t know what to expect and I did not want to go, but when I left I realized that was one of the best times of my life, the people there are so amazing and helpful. It’s Scary at first, but afterwards Im certain you will not regret it! The most important thing is to do what works for you, but I do highly recommend trying rehab. One thing that helped me during my year of sobriety was music, Especially the song trouble by TV on the radio. Thanks for sharing your story kevin and thanks kexp!"
This one is for Travis, thanks for sharing your story. If you or a loved one are seeking help with addiction/recovery please visit for a great list of resources.
Two members of the Pretenders passed away due to drug usage, these tragic events are horrific. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction and finding help please visit Yu are not alone, you are loved, and help is out there.
It's a good day to be alive. Make sure you're here to see it. You're not alone and if you or a loved one need help please visit for a great list of resources.
4:23 PM
1st spin?!
Pearl Jam is no stranger to addiction, if you would like to share you're own experience regarding addiction/recover email us at and remember you're not alone.
4:26 PM
45th spin
There are many ways to get through the day and the most important is to "Just Breathe" Addiction and Recovery is a long and difficult path but there are people who love and care for you. Help is available, please visit if you or a loved one are seeking aid on the road to recovery, and remember you are not alone.
4:32 PM
19th spin
Heather said this song is for all who are struggling. "When I was newly sober, I had these grand moments of clarity. The clouds parted and I felt like I could really see everything for the first time. I felt a charge of energy and a sense of peace - In a strange way, it was almost like a high in itself. However, soon there after, depression and anxiety hit me like a ton of bricks. All of the terrible things I had done, the trauma I had experienced just played out over and over in my head like a movie. I was so deeply, deeply sad. I felt like because of all of my misgivings and all of these traumatic memories, I would be haunted for the rest of my life and could never be happy. I learned, that this in fact was not true, but it did take a lot of work to get there. I would like to share the song "Normal Song" by Perfume Genius with anyone who is out there struggling with these same feelings. My dear friend Mike wrote this song when I was grappling with these feelings, he just 6 months ahead of me in his sobriety. I hope you can hear this song, and it can help you find comfort. This is a difficult path but a rewarding one, and I promise you can and will have joy. I'm still haunted by ghosts, but we've learned to exist together. I just celebrated my eighth year of year of sobriety, and I know you can too."
Big thanks to Maggie for sharing her personal story with us: "A little over two months ago my life was turned upside down when I got a DUI. In that moment I knew I had no control over my drinking. I had been abusing booze since I first tasted it when I was 16 years old. At 32 years old and a single mother I found my mom break at the bottom of a wine bottle. My kids would go to their dads house and I would go to the bar. After the DUI I cleaned up my act and got sober. I had always been a very spiritual person and knew how to focus my energy as an artist. But giving up drinking took a power from deep within my soul that I didn’t even know was there. It took bravery and patience. I found I needed actual real kenetic movement to burn through the anxiety that had perviously kept me binging on alcohol. I started running off all the guilt, heartbreak, and trauma that I had been burying all these years. Now I can say I am finally healing these wounds. Dog Days Are Over by Florence and the Machine is a song that brought tears to my eyes as I ran my heart out listening to it. It reminded me of my strength and my children. It reminded me that better days are ahead of me. I’d love to hear it today! It always fires me up with positive energy!"
4:42 PM
7th spin
Seattle native Brandi Carlile has always been extremely open about her struggles and addictions in life. If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction please visit for a wonderful list of resources
If you'd like to share your story about addiction/recovery pleas email
4:50 PM
1st spin?!
You're not alone, help is out there, and you are loved. If you or a loved one are struggling and would like to find help please visit for a list of mazing resources
4:57 PM
300th spin
Music is one of the best tools in life to get through any situation. If there's a specific song or band that has gotten you through addiction/recovery share your story with us at and remember you are not alone.
5:00 PM
13th spin
Love is all around you, you are always loved and you are never alone. Help is waiting for you to ask. Visit for a list of helpful resources.
Seattle raised Macklemore is very candid when it comes to his journey with recovery.
This is for Logan: "Hey, my name is Logan and I have always been a fan of the Seattle music scene. In the 90’s it was all about grunge. Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden, but as I got older I started getting into hip hop. In my 20’s, I started combining my love of music with my love of drugs and alcohol. I became addicted to opioids, and I was in deep. Until I turned 27 and decided to give it up, and I did. But I couldn’t have done it without Macklemore’s song Otherside, that song really spoke to me and made me feel like hopeful. I’m 7 years clean and feel great! It’s awesome what you guys are doing and I hope this helps those out there who struggle with addiction, because it’s becoming an epidemic in these times. Much love to Ben Hagerty, my city’s filthy!"
Friday, Nov 22, 2024  
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Addiction may feel endless sometimes, but help is out there. You are not alone and if you are struggling and seeking help towards recovery please visit for a great list of resources.
Friday, Nov 22, 2024  
Event Info
If you are struggling from any form of addiction please seek help before it's too late. You are loved and you are not alone. Visit for a list of dependable resources.
5:43 PM
29th spin
Rest in Peace Prince, another tragic loss due to the opioid epidemic. Here's Heidi's story: "In 1999, when I went to treatment to get help with drinking, I learned that I was alcoholic. (Shit, really?) And treatment sent me to AA meetings. There I was told that it would be beneficial for me to pray. I said to myself “Shit! Are you kidding? Pray to a judgmental, white dude with a long flowing beard who never did anything for me? Oh hell no!” Then I became just a little bit willing, because I was in emotional pain and wanted to feel better. I remembered that Prince, who was by far my favorite artist, and who I listened to nearly every day, believed in God. Not only that, he could sing about God and sex in the same song. That kind of God might be okay for me- the kind who didn’t consider sex a sin, but rather an expression of our human-ness. So, I made a decision to try praying, and everyday for three months, I woke up and prayed, “Dear Prince’s God, please keep my ass sober today. Thanks. Amen.” And at night I said, “Dear Prince’s God, thanks for keeping my ass sober today. Amen.” That was over 19 years ago, and I haven’t found it necessary to take a drink or a drug since then. Today I pray daily to my god, who is genderless and 100% Love, and very often to Prince. I thank them both"
5:50 PM
186th spin
Today we're focusing on the healing power of music during the addiction/recovery journey. If you'd like to share your experience please email
We're celebrating the "Freedom" that comes from succeeding from addictions. If you are seeking help to find your own freedom please visit for a great list of helpful resources.
As we close out the show today, keep in mind it takes a village to conquer these kinds of battles. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction/recovery please reach out and get the help you deserve. Visit for a great list of resources.
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