DJ Miss Ashley

DJ Miss Ashley

DJ Miss Ashley

Variety Mix
Last show: Sunday, Oct 20 2024, 12PM
Monday, Feb 18 2019, 6PM
Argentina. check his KEXP set for Midnight In A Perfect World:
6:08 PM
1st spin?!
Music band from Tijuana, Mexico. NEW ALBUM : 'Epílogo'
Mexican Institute of Sound is an electronic music project created by Mexico City-based DJ and producer Camilo Lara. Performing at NRML festival in Mexico City and broadcasting live on KEXP Tuesday, February 26 at 10am PST.
6:14 PM
1st spin?!
Miami-based recording artist Elastic Bond brings an urban edge with a tropical twist to the indie music scene combining the hypnotic grooves of electronica with different styles of soul, hip-hop, funk, and Latin.
Elastic Bond aporta un toque urbano con un toque tropical a la escena musical independiente que combina los ritmos hipnóticos de la electrónica con diferentes estilos de soul, hip-hop, funk y latinp.
6:18 PM
1st spin?!
URUGUAY: 'El señor' is song of Juan Wauters' new album called 'La Onda de Juan Pablo', a diary through his journey making music in Latin America.

URUGUAY: 'El señor' es una canción del nuevo disco de Juan Wauters llamado 'La Onda de Juan Pablo', un diario a través de su viaje haciendo música en Latinoamérica.
The Chilean singer premiered her sixth studio album NORMA.

La cantante chilena estrenó hace poco su sexto álbum de estudio NORMA.
6:24 PM
1st spin?!
Performing at NRML Festival in Mexico City and broadcasting live on KEXP, Thursday, February 28 at 12:30 PST (2:30 CST).
Puerto Rican rapper: Album Review: Bad Bunny - X 100PRE
6:35 PM
11th spin
Performing at NRML Festival in Mexico City and brodcasting live on KEXP Wednesday Feb. 27th @ 5:30 PM PST / 7:30 PM CST
Performing at NRML Festival in Mexico City and brodcasting live on KEXP Wednesday Feb. 27th MEXICO: After taking the music scene by surprise in 2004, Priscila González, Luis Fara and Boscop Benavente have played some of the most important forums and festivals in Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Argentina and Spain. After releasing their 4th LP, "Oportunidad de Oro", Quiero Club continues as one of the most representative and innovative bands within the Latin American independent music movement.

Después de tomar la escena musical por sorpresa en 2004, Priscila González, Luis Fara y Boscop Benavente han tocado en algunos de los foros y festivales más importantes de México, Perú, Colombia, Argentina y España. Después de lanzar su 4to LP, "Oportunidad de Oro", Quiero Club continúa como una de las bandas más representativas e innovadoras dentro del movimiento musical independiente de América Latina.
6:42 PM
4th spin
single from San Diego's Jackie Mendoza! -
6:45 PM
6th spin
Kinky is a Mexican rock band, formed in 1998 as part of the Advanced Regia musical movement. Although a majority of songs are sung in Spanish, some songs contain English lyrics. Since the release of their studio album, Kinky has been signed with Sonic360 Records.

Kinky es una banda de rock mexicana, formada en 1998 como parte del movimiento musical Advanced Regia. Aunque la mayoría de las canciones se cantan en español, algunas canciones contienen letras en inglés. Desde el lanzamiento de su álbum de estudio, Kinky ha firmado con Sonic360 Records.
PERU: Peruvian electronic producer. The artist Anthony Paucarmayta just released new record material under the name of his musical project, PAWKARMAYTA. It is a four-track EP entitled ‘Supernova’, which comes to conquer us with his ancestral sounds, released on The Flying Monkey Records.
Anthony was born in Cusco, Peru, in constant contact with the ancient civilizations that have guided him in the cosmovision and ancestral knowledge. El artista Anthony Paucarmayta acaba de lanzar un nuevo material discográfico bajo el nombre de su proyecto musical, PAWKARMAYTA. Es un EP de cuatro canciones titulado "Supernova", que nos conquista con sus sonidos ancestrales, lanzado en The Flying Monkey Records.

Anthony nació en Cusco, Perú, en contacto constante con las antiguas civilizaciones que lo han guiado en la cosmovisión y el conocimiento ancestral.
6:58 PM
1st spin?!
Tittsworth is a dj & producer from LA
Nicola Cruz was born in France. Currently lives in the city of Quito, Ecuador; dj, musician and producer who has dabbled in electronic music adding sounds from the region of the Andes providing more warmth to the music and being one of the pioneers in proposing a so-called step-step from the dub-step but uses sounds from the Andes.

Nicola Cruz nació en Francia. Actualmente vive en la ciudad de Quito, Ecuador; es dj, músico y productor que ha incursionado en la música electrónica añadiendo sonidos propios de la región de los andes brindando mas calidez a la música y siendo uno de los pioneros en proponer a escena un denominado andes-step que proviene del dub-step pero utiliza sonidos de los andes.
7:12 PM
24th spin
“Te Quiero con Bugalu” (I Love You With Boogaloo), the second single from her debut album iLevitable. Recorded over several months in local Puerto Rican studios, her debut album features upwards of 75 musicians, composers, and arrangers. The colorful and steamy video is steeped in magical realism, the clip was filmed at the Asere Restaurant in Santurce, Puerto Rico.

"Te Quiero con Bugalu", el segundo single de su álbum debut iLevitable. Grabada durante varios meses en estudios locales de Puerto Rico, su álbum debut incluye más de 75 músicos, compositores y arreglistas. El video colorido y lleno de vapor está impregnado de realismo mágico, el video se filmó en el restaurante Asere en Santurce, Puerto Rico.
Natalia Lafourcade is one of the most successful singer-songwriters in Latin America. The Mexico City musician has been a longtime popular and critical favorite — she swept the Latin Grammy Awards in 2015, where her last album Hasta La Raíz ("To The Core") was named Record of the Year and Best Alternative Music Album. Lafourcade has always been inspired by her musical forebears, but for her seventh album, Musas ("Muses"), she expressly wanted to pay homage to the greats of Latin American music in their "full glory" that's why she chosed to Los Macorinos to record this album.

Natalia Lafourcade es una de las cantautoras más exitosas de América Latina. El músico de la Ciudad de México ha sido un favorito popular y crítico durante mucho tiempo: ganó los Latin Grammy Awards en 2015, donde su último álbum Hasta La Raíz ("To The Core") se llamó Record of the Year y Best Alternative Music Album. Lafourcade siempre se ha inspirado en sus antecesores musicales, pero para su séptimo álbum, Musas ("Musas"), ella quería expresamente rendir homenaje a los grandes de la música latinoamericana en su "gloria completa", por eso eligió a Los Macorinos para grabar este album.
PANAMA: Salsa icon Rubén Blades has joined forces with Latinx psych-rockers Making Movies to launch "No Te Calles", a song and a movement. No Te Calles is the first single from the upcoming collaborative new album by Making Movies, to be released in May. The powerful voice of Blades soars over the explosive guitars and the rumbero percussion of Making Movies, produced by the legendary Steve Berlin, member of Los Lobos.
PANAMÁ: El ícono de la salsa @ruben.blades se ha unido con la banda psicodélica y activista @mkngmvs para lanzar "No Te Calles", un tema y un movimiento. No Te Calles es el primer sencillo del próximo álbum de Making Movies, un "mixtape" colaborativo que el grupo lanzará en mayo. La voz poderosa de Blades estalla sobre las guitarras explosivas y la percusión rumbera de Making Movies, bajo la producción de Steve Berlin, miembro legendario de Los Lobos.
They are from Havana, Cuba. A blazing ensemble of deeply soulful mambo reminiscent of Benny Moré, Pérez Prado, and banda gigante of the 1940's and 50's. The album boasts all original songs recorded at the historic state-run Estudios Areito with Cuba's finest players, young and old, led by the inimitable and dynamic singer José "Pepito" Gómez, produced by Chulo Records' Jacob Plasse, with incendiary arrangements by Michael Eckroth.The ferocious and pedigreed wind and rhythm sections consist of musicians from storied groups including Irakere, NG La Banda, and Los Van Van. Robust, time-tested musical architectures of son cubano and mambo are honored and modernized through a synthesis of the rich compositional styles of Havana, New York, and beyond.

Son de la habana, cuba. Un conjunto ardiente de mambo profundamente conmovedor que recuerda a Benny Moré, Pérez Prado y la banda gigante de los años 40 y 50. El álbum cuenta con todas las canciones originales grabadas en los históricos Estudios estatales de Areito con los mejores jugadores de Cuba, jóvenes y viejos, liderados por el inimitable y dinámico cantante José "Pepito" Gómez, producido por Chulo Records 'Jacob Plasse, con arreglos incendiarios de Michael. Eckroth. Las secciones de viento y ritmo feroces y pedigrí están formadas por músicos de grupos famosos, como Irakere, NG La Banda y Los Van Van. Las arquitecturas musicales sólidas y comprobadas por el tiempo de son cubano y mambo se honran y modernizan a través de una síntesis de los ricos estilos compositivos de La Habana, Nueva York y más allá.
Mr. Bleat is a Colombian musical group from the city of Medellín . The group was born in 2007. Although the band has refused to identify itself within any genre or musical current, its sound is usually identified within the Synth pop and clear influences of the New Wave of the 80s are appreciated , especially from artists such as David Bowie , Depeche Mode , Patti Smith or New Order .

Mr. Bleat es un grupo musical colombiano de la ciudad de Medellín. El grupo nació en 2007. Aunque la banda se ha negado a identificarse dentro de cualquier género o corriente musical, su sonido generalmente se identifica dentro del Synth pop y se aprecian claras influencias de la Nueva Ola de los 80, especialmente de artistas como David. Bowie, Depeche Mode, Patti Smith o New Order.
Mexican band. They will Performing at NRML Festival in Mexico City and brodcasting live on KEXP Wednesday Feb. 26th
7:37 PM
13th spin
Colombia: Systema Solar is a music-visual collective of the Caribbean region of Colombia, its members, coming from diverse territorial and sound latitudes, have found in Afro Caribbean vibrations a sea of possibilities to enhance the strength and power of music from Colombia . The aim of the collective is to create audio-visual shows with their own style that they call "Berbenautika", inspired by the tradition of the pikós (sound systems) and the verbena (popular festival). Since 2016, the Colombian group shares new music on Christmas dates. "El Meke" is their new song preview of the future material that will soon be released.
Colombia:Systema Solar es un colectivo músico-visual de la región Caribe de Colombia, sus integrantes, provenientes de diversas latitudes territoriales y sonoras, han encontrado en las vibraciones afro Caribeñas un mar de posibilidades para realzar la fuerza y potencia de las músicas desde Colombia. El objetivo del colectivo es crear espectáculos audio-visuales con su estilo propio que llaman “Berbenautika”, inspirándose en la tradición de los pikós (sistemas de sonido) y la verbena (fiesta popular). Desde 2016, el grupo colombiano comparte nueva muscia en las fechas navidenas. “El Meke” es su nueva cancion adelanto del futuro material que pronto lanzaran.
Nicola Cruz was born in France. Currently lives in the city of Quito, Ecuador; dj, musician and producer who has dabbled in electronic music adding sounds from the region of the Andes providing more warmth to the music and being one of the pioneers in proposing a so-called step-step from the dub-step but uses sounds from the Andes.

Nicola Cruz nació en Francia. Actualmente vive en la ciudad de Quito, Ecuador; es dj, músico y productor que ha incursionado en la música electrónica añadiendo sonidos propios de la región de los andes brindando mas calidez a la música y siendo uno de los pioneros en proponer a escena un denominado andes-step que proviene del dub-step pero utiliza sonidos de los andes.
7:45 PM
4th spin
Formed in Los Angeles in late 2016, The Marías are the psychedelic-soul lovechild of LA native, Josh Conway and Puerto Rican-bred, Atlanta-raised María. A smooth rendezvous of jazz percussion, hypnotic guitar riffs, smoke-velvet vocals and nostalgic horn solos, there’s something undeniably sensual in the group’s dreamlike fusion of jazz, psychedelia, funk and lounge.
7:47 PM
9th spin
Chile: check his KEXP live session video!
T. Calderón Rosario is a Puerto Rican hip hop rapper and actor. He began his musical career in 1996 (as Tego Tec) and was supported by the famous Puerto Rican rapper Eddie Dee. He released three more studio albums between 2006 and 2015, varying in styles, focusing more in hip hop and African music rather than reggaeton in The Underdog (2006) and El Abayarde Contraataca (2007). His fourth studio album, El Que Sabe, Sabe, released in 2015, won a Latin Grammy Award for Best Urban Music Album. In the same year, he announced that he is planning a studio album alongside the Puerto Rican reggaeton and pop singer Yandel titled El Blanco Y El Negro. Tego is characterized by his social and political themes, with lyrics against Puerto Rican government, denouncing any corruption case.
8:00 PM
6th spin
Band from Seattle/Colombia/Argentina. They have a new album called Impulsos.
8:08 PM
31st spin
NY: The son of Ecuadorean immigrants, Helado Negro was born in South Florida in 1980. His childhood was suffused with tropical heat, humidity, hurricanes, all refracted with the rich sounds and colors of the various Latin American cultures of southern Florida.

NY: Hijo de inmigrantes ecuatorianos, Helado Negro nació en el sur de la Florida en 1980. Su infancia estuvo inundada de calor tropical, humedad, huracanes, todo refractado con los ricos sonidos y colores de las diversas culturas latinoamericanas del sur de la Florida.
8:13 PM
10th spin
Guatemala's Doctor Nativo, a.k.a. Juan Martinez, plays a mix of psychedelic tropical styles, from cumbia to roots reggae.
8:17 PM
19th spin
Portland-based band Y La Bamba played this song live on KEXP back in 2017. Check it out here:
8:21 PM
34th spin
This track from Argentinian singer Juana Molina was once featured as the KEXP Song of the Day - Download for free here:
Gustavo Cerati was a musician, singer-songwriter, composer and Argentine record producer. He obtained international recognition for being the lead singer, guitarist and composer of the rock band Soda Stereo. He is considered one of the most important, popular and influential musicians of Latin American rock.
Gustavo Cerati fue un músico, cantautor, compositor y productor discográfico argentino. Obtuvo reconocimiento internacional por haber sido el cantante, guitarrista y compositor principal de la banda de rock Soda Stereo. Es considerado uno de los músicos más importantes, populares e influyentes del rock latinoamericano.

8:34 PM
1st spin?!
Silvio Rodrguez is a singer , guitarist and poet Cuban characteristic exponent of the music of his country emerged with the Cuban Revolution
He was a Cuban double bass virtuoso. Member of the Buena Vista Social Club , son of the composer Orestes López and nephew of the legendary Cachao López .
Music band from Mexico
8:52 PM
6th spin
Spanish electronic music producers.
9:00 PM
2nd spin
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