John Richards

John Richards

John Richards

The Morning Show
Last show: Wednesday, Oct 23 2024, 7AM
Thursday, Oct 12 2017, 6AM
Good morning, Seattle. We're focusing our programming today on mental health, and the songs that have helped others get through times of anxiety and depression. Send your stories and requests to, and if you or someone you know is in crisis, 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) is waiting for you.
You can go here for a list of local and national services to help you or a friend with a mental health crisis:
6:15 AM
84th spin
From 6 AM to 6 PM today, we’ll be reading your stories and playing your requests in regards to mental health. Email and tune in as we share those messages and songs along with exclusive interviews from musicians like Sarah from Phantogram. You are not alone!
6:20 AM
44th spin
From listener Rick: "There is part of my life that I can’t completely put back together and make sense of. I was a very depressed seventeen-year-old in the middle of good parents and great friends. I nearly killed myself. I tried to anyway. I got help. But not alone. If you think you see someone in need of reassurance and a warm touch- move in. Offer to be there as listener or just silent company. There isn’t anything “right” to say so don’t fret about finding the the words. Just acknowledge their pain and be willing to be in the company of a depressed individual for a while. Not because depression is loneliness, but being a warm face at the top of that deep dark pit might make a rung or two in the ladder they need. So, to Maya who helped me. And to Morgon, her sister, who ended way too soon. U2 - “Bad"
6:30 AM
26th spin
U2 bassist Adam Clayton spoke out last year about his own battle with addiction and mental health: “Eventually a few friends who’d been through alcohol and drug treatment said ‘you can get over this, you can feel better’. At the root of addiction, certainly in my case, was a mental issue. It’s how I approached the day. I was able to get help and revise my thinking and turn that around. I’m a much happier bunny now.”
The Mt. Heart Attack referenced throughout Liars third album, 'Drum's Not Dead' is the embodiment of stress and self-doubt.
6:38 AM
34th spin
"We got open arms for broken hearts" - If you or someone you know needs help, we've compiled a list of resources to help. Find them here, and know that you are not alone:
6:46 AM
25th spin
Meghan, this one's for you - "EVERYDAY I wake up and I say, just make that first step. Put your feet on the floor. We all need love, we all deserve peace. I always tell my friends who are suffering, pick one thing, ONE THING, that you have to do everyday and look forward to that."
"When talking about depression often people talk about TMG's "This Year," but I think a lot of 'Life of the World to Come' has helped me. Especially "1 John 4:16" which tells the story of a prisoner about to be executed being given hope in spite of his doom. When my grandfather passed away this year this album and that song really helped me find my faith and hope. "So I won't be afraid, of anything ever again" - Thank you for sharing this, Will. Send your requests or stories today to
6:56 AM
45th spin
From listener Kristen: "This is for my nephew, Trystan. We lost him to suicide at 16, almost 2 1/2 years ago. Unfortunately, there were no signs of depression or anxiety and therefore nobody could reach out and help. He left his family and friends behind reeling for answers. Trystan was a bright, ambitious, and funny teenager. He loved his family and was deeply loved by us! Trystan was a musician and found much joy in playing his guitar. Can you please play the song Just Breathe by Pearl Jam on October 12th in memory of Trystan? This was one of his favorites and played at his memorial. Hopefully others will find strength, hope, and healing through music!!" If you need help, contact the toll-free, 24-hour hotline of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK
Woman's Therapy Referral Service, unique in Seattle, offers personalized assistance in finding a therapist or counselor suited to your individual personality and situation. Find them here:
7:14 AM
187th spin
For Andrea's husband, Alan, who has struggled with depression and bipolar disorder: "Hearing that "you are not alone" is so powerful for both my husband and the students he shares with. He has made enduring connections with some of these bright, troubled individuals. The Hope that prevails is that, despite the affliction of a life-long, miserable illness, one can be successful and have an impact on this increasingly dark and decaying world. As a hurting teenager, he would frequently listen to Pink Floyd’s ‘Fearless”, and tell himself that he would one day be triumphant. Can you please play that song for my love, Alan, who has truly triumphed?"
If you're not comfortable with talking with someone, you can also text 741741 from anywhere in the US, 24/7, for free support with a trained Crisis Counselor
7:28 AM
72nd spin
"A friend of mine named Russell had lived with depression for a large chunk of his life and his one escape was music. A year or so before he ended his life, he got in touch with KEXP and asked to come to the old Dexter and Denny location for a Frank Black in-studio, as he was a huge Pixies fan. KEXP was more than welcome to host Russell and he was able to have a rare life experience and see his favorite artist perform in an intimate setting. I had never witnessed Russell experience that much joy before. I had forgotten about this episode until recently. It reminds me how important not only music is but how vital KEXP has been to me and people in my life. I never thanked the station for hosting my friend until now. Thank you so very much." - Ryan, thank you for sharing this with us!
"As an "angsty" teenager that was probably really depressed, I became obsessed with the Smashing Pumpkins, starting with "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness." Probably not coincidental. I clung to that music with everything I had."
For Bradley: "One year ago today I lost my brother Jeremy to suicide. He was the most creative and light hearted person I've ever known and the loss of his life is the greatest challenge my family has ever dealt with. A song that is especially important to me now is "Little Birdhouse in Your Soul" by They Might Be Giants. I remember fondly singing it with him on many occasions around bonfires with family and friends. It was one of his favorites, and is a song that also got to be played at his Funeral. I will forever miss him, and I hope that I and others remember to practice showing each other how important we all through care and love in order to build better community and a better world." If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) for 24/7, free, confidential support
They Might Be Giants
Friday, Jun 13, 2025  
Event Info
For our listener in France today - "For me, "the future" is to wake up another day. I can't see further away. But I still have hope. I hope I will shine some day, I hope to be able to do anything I want. Even in the worst moments this glimpse of hope never disappears...Music has been my main support during all of this time. I discovered KEXP and Evie's Dj Sets which have helped me a lot. Music has the capacity to drive your emotions, make you feel alive in another world for a few minutes... It transports you, embraces you, helps you to bring out those emotions that you can't express by words. I really think music can heal, or at least helping you deal with your everyday life."
7:51 AM
3rd spin
"I've struggled with depression and anxiety for the past ten years — or at least, that's when I was first diagnosed. I'm sure I was depressed and anxious long before that. There are better days and worse ones, times when it seemed I had found the perfect formula for maintaining good mental health, and times when I felt everything crashing down around me. And there's no question that music, and KEXP especially, has played a huge role in grounding me and getting me through the darker times...The first song on my newest mix is “Rise” by Briana Marela. I have been playing that song a lot lately, because I’m in the middle of the hardest, most painful time in my life. And I need to believe that I will rise from the ashes, that I am the strong person my dearest friends tell me I am. So I listen to that song, and I take in every single word, and I try to find even the smallest bit of hope and strength, and I hold on tight." - Sarah, thank you for sharing this with us, and for flying all the way from Cleveland to be here for our New Home grand opening last April!
A KEXP exclusive interview with Sarah Barthel of Phantogram about her sister's suicide in 2016. You can also read it here:
8:07 AM
9th spin
"It all happened during the process of 'Three.' We had two songs done. I think “You Don’t Get Me High Anymore” and “Run Run Blood” were done. And then it happened. After that, every song that came out was based on this trauma and trying to understand life after you lose somebody from suicide. It gets very complicated and intense, but we were able to use that as the perfect outlet for our anger and confusion. All of our records from day one have always been about the darkness in life, but there’s always that light at the end of the tunnel. This was just another way of growing and grieving the loss of Becky. It was actually really incredible...And then we went on tour. And I had to play those songs every single night. And it was even harder to deal with than writing the record. I couldn’t go through anything without crying terribly during the set, after the set. I became extremely depressed. I was living that day and living that experience every single day onstage for an hour and a half. It was the hardest time of my life."
Friday, Feb 21, 2025  
Event Info
Sarah Barthel of Phantogram began a personal campaign with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention since her sister's death in 2016. Read their interview with her here:
8:20 AM
12th spin
You are not alone, and if you or someone you know needs help, we've compiled a list of resources here:
Friday, Feb 21, 2025  
Event Info
From 6 AM to 6 PM today, we’ll be reading your stories and playing your requests for our "Music Heals: Mental Health" day as we call attention to the public health crisis that is depression and anxiety.
8:30 AM
26th spin
Help Musicians UK (a charity for UK musicians) did a survey of 2,211 musicians. 71% said they had experienced a panic attack or high anxiety. 69% said they had suffered from depression, and 53% found it difficult to find help. We've compiled a list of resources if you need help, find it right here:
8:34 AM
68th spin
The National's Matt Berninger on this track from 'Sleep Well Beast:' “Guilty Party,” that’s a breakup song. It’s kind of about my marriage, but my wife and I are not broken up, and I think we have a healthy marriage most days. It’s also kind of about the band—that’s a relationship that is hard to maintain and not lose sight of why you’re doing it. So “marriage” comprises a lot of different things."
8:39 AM
41st spin
"Could you please play Heal by the Catherine Wheel? In 2008 I was selling merchandise for Rob Dickinson in New Jersey & a fan came up to me & shared his story of how this song saved his life. I always think of that guy & how music heals me, as well. I go out to see live music as often as possible. Sometimes alone, simply because it feeds my soul. I have lost my grandma and my best friend's sister just in the last couple of months...thank you for this day! Sending hugs to everyone that needs one!" - Hugs to you too, Deanene, thank you for listening
"The timing of this program happens to fall within the first month following the loss of my beloved brother. He struggled for over a decade with depression and anxiety, but showed tremendous resilience in his effort to manage his health and live life to the fullest. There is a complexity to mental health that defies human rationale. Stigma can only be dissolved when we have the courage to embrace what is true. I wish to honor my brother’s memory by showing others that meaning in life and success can be reached despite diagnosis. I saw this in my brother and I believe he knew joy, community, achievement, and even pride despite the many struggles he endured. This one is for my bro & I know he’s listening. Thank you KEXP for making music matter in my brother’s life & therefore mine as well. I hope others gain courage and solace from today's Music Heals program and continue to reach out to others in their experience. We are all in this together!"
8:54 AM
91st spin
"When I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I was so excited/happy/nervous. However, about 8 weeks into the pregnancy, I began to experience symptoms of extreme depression. I spent entire days crying alone in my home because I stopped going to work. I dropped out of graduate school without even withdrawing officially--I just stopped going to class. After weeks of this, I began to fantasize about leaving my baby once he was born and then several weeks after that I even had thoughts of ending my life. I had never experienced anything like this before...Once I asked for help, things really improved...To any woman going through this right now, I would really want them to know that they are not alone!! The way they feel now does not define the type of mother they will be/are." Thank you for sharing this with us, Lindsay. If you're suffering with postpartum depression, Seattle's Women's Therapy Referral Service is a source that can help guide you:
9:03 AM
248th spin
If you're just tuning in, you're listening to our Music Heals: Mental Health programming. If you, or someone you know is in crisis and needs immediate help, call the toll-free, 24-hour hotline of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). Not comfortable with talking? Text 741741 and the word "Talk" from anywhere in the US to text with a trained Crisis Counselor
Music heals, and if you're looking for a list of resources to help you or someone you know dealing with depression and anxiety, go here:
1 in every 5 adults in America experience a mental illness, but you don't have to go it alone. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs immediate help, call the toll-free, 24-hour hotline of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK
After the loss of Chris Cornell, the Seattle-based nonprofit, Childhaven, announced the Chris Cornell Music Therapy Program. His widow, Vicky said: "Chris and I always shared a strong belief in the healing and inspiring power of music, and through Childhaven's establishment of this program, we are able to keep the promise for Chris by continuing to protect the world's most vulnerable children."
9:43 AM
6th spin
"I just did the math. 28 years. For 28 years he has been my constant companion. From 17 to 45 he has gone with me everywhere, nurtured me through every loss, breakup, health scare, and all the good times too. Maybe that is why I feel I have lost one of my best friends....That is what I will continue to take as my gift from Tom Petty: love and gratitude for giving my life a soundtrack that has not only accompanied it, but at times has shaped it. Thank you Tom. You went down, swinging." - Thank you for sharing this with us, Leah!
"My sadness is like a blanket that I can pull over my head. It is still surreal and I long to see him or hear his deep voice. To my beautiful baby boy, you are the most precious gift I shall have ever received and I thank you for the honor of being your mother. I will never know another joy greater than you. I know you are free now. I love you so much. Fly high my little star." - Betty, thank you for sharing your story with us. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, you can reach out to 1-800-273-TALK for 24/7, free and confidential support. You are not alone.
9:55 AM
5th spin
Our programming till 6 PM today is focusing on mental health, and the songs that get you through anxiety and depression. For resources to help you or someone you love, go here:
10:03 AM
56th spin
You are not alone, and if you or someone you know needs help, we've compiled a list of resources here:
If you're just tuning in, you're listening to our Music Heals: Mental Health programming. If you, or someone you know is in crisis and needs immediate help, call the toll-free, 24-hour hotline of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). Not comfortable with talking? Text 741741 with the word "HOME" from anywhere in the US to text with a trained Crisis Counselor.
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