John Richards

John Richards

John Richards

The Morning Show
Last show: Wednesday, Oct 23 2024, 7AM
Thursday, Nov 15 2018, 6AM
6:03 AM
59th spin
Good morning Seattle, and welcome to the 14th edition of the Mom Show. Today's Morning Show will be devoted entirely to the loss of loved ones and the stories they've left behind. If you have a song you'd like to share in remembrance of someone special, contact us at You are not alone.
6:07 AM
47th spin
"I think it's much more romantic to believe that things are happening for a reason. I mean, if you don't have that belief, the world seems kind of cold." - Nick Urata of Devotchka reflecting on How It Ends
6:13 AM
84th spin
Chris Cornell filling in on Layne Staley's vocals for this live version of "River of Deceit" at Benaroya Hall in 2015. Layne Staley passed away on April 5, 2002, and Chris Cornell followed on May 18, 2017.
6:18 AM
84th spin
"On 'Release,’ everyone plugged in their guitars and started this kind of tinkling, and I started humming, moaning or whatever, and then all of a sudden it was like a six-minute song that totally rolled and peaked. Those words – I still refuse to write them down, even if they need them for publishing. I won’t write ‘em down. That was just something I hadn’t experienced, it was so intense." - Eddie Vedder, as relayed in Kim Neely’s Five Against One
6:23 AM
157th spin
Light up, light up | As if you have a choice | Even if you cannot hear my voice | I'll be right beside you dear
Snow Patrol
Saturday, Mar 22, 2025  
Event Info
I built a home | For you for me | Until it disappeared | From me from you | And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust
Moby to Consequence of Sound on this haunting closing track from Everything Is Wrong: "The song 'When It’s Cold I’d Like to Die' originally had a lot more going on. The original version of it, there were maybe some drums and a bass line and some other elements. It just wasn’t as interesting. There was something about removing 90 percent of the elements that actually brought out the inherent vulnerability of the song."
6:44 AM
99th spin
You're listening to the Mom Show here on The Morning Show today, and we're here for your stories and songs of remembrance for the duration of the show. if you have anything you need to share with us <3
6:54 AM
90th spin
"I had to say goodbye to my brother Joey this week. As the youngest of eight siblings, I've always had that reality in my life. There's a hole there now, but a comfort that his presence is never parents have their son with them now and me with my memories. I am not alone when I know people like you both still have open hearts for us all" - Anna, thank you for listening and sharing this with us this morning <3
7:00 AM
32nd spin
"My sister-in-law is moving through the deep waters of grief for her newborn daughter that died this year. I want Nora to know that we all love her so much & that we fully support her process. Thank you" - Karinne, thank you for sharing. Wishing peace to you and Nora on her loss.
7:05 AM
140th spin
This one's for Mark, in memory of his dad (and thank you to everyone that came out to the Death & Music event last night)
From last night's Death & Music event at Washington Hall last night. Local band Math & Physics Club lost guitarist James Werle in September of this year from cancer:
7:22 AM
32nd spin
"I’m writing this from my home near Denver, Colorado. I moved back here almost 5 years ago to be near my mom who had just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. This year’s show is particularly meaningful as my mother died this past March 31st. Even though I knew her death was imminent, it did not not make it any easier. I miss her everyday. I know I’m still grieving, but some days are so difficult. I crave relief and a lifting of this fog. Could you please play 'My Mom'" | Jody, we're sorry for your loss - this one's for you <3
"I lost my Mom 18 years ago after a tough battle with leukemia. Times like now when I am dealing with divorce and relocation, I miss her most when her encouragement and love just aren't here. Can you please play "A Sort of Homecoming" by U2 in her honor." - We've got you, Mat. Thanks for writing in <3
7:43 AM
53rd spin
"Our only son, Miles Jon Jenness, was born in Seattle on March 1, 2013. He turned 5 this year and started kindergarten in August. He was killed in a crash by a suspected DUI driver a month and a half ago, a block from our house. He was a fun, funny, and loving little guy whose favorite color was purple. He wanted to be a writer, a teacher, and a Star Wars-knower when he grew up. He loved people and would talk to anyone, anywhere, and tell them everything. Miles was my universe. And he loved to dance (including to the Friday Song, which I set to be my phone alarm clock on Friday mornings). So, if you could please, we’d like to request “Let’s Dance” by David Bowie (or a cover of it)—“It has a great message,” Miles said once—for Miles, and for anyone else like us, trying to learn how to dance with broken hearts. With all of our love, from his Mama and Daddo (Miles coined it)...All best to you and yours, and love to everyone missing someone particularly much on 11/15." - Leah & Sam, we're so sorry for your devastating loss! Thank you for sharing this with us, peace and love today from the KEXP crew <3
7:51 AM
2nd spin
Nick Cave's response to a fan's letter about his son Arthur’s tragic death in 2015 and if he feels he communicates with him in some way: "This is a very beautiful question and I am grateful that you have asked it. It seems to me, that if we love, we grieve. That’s the deal. That’s the pact. Grief and love are forever intertwined. Grief is the terrible reminder of the depths of our love and, like love, grief is non-negotiable. There is a vastness to grief that overwhelms our minuscule selves. We are tiny, trembling clusters of atoms subsumed within grief’s awesome presence.” He goes on to say, "I feel the presence of my son, all around, but he may not be there. I hear him talk to me, parent me, guide me, though he may not be there. He visits Susie in her sleep regularly, speaks to her, comforts her, but he may not be there. Dread grief trails bright phantoms in its wake." - See the response letter in full here:
"I love the Mom Show and would like to request Nick Cave "Into My Arms" to honor Sawyer, the son of my close friends Jack and Jaime tuning in from Virginia." - Thank you Jenny, this is for you and your friends in memory of Sawyer <3
"Thank you, again, for last night. I cried so hard and so much ... and I didn't realize just how I needed that, just how many different things and people I am currently grieving: an uncle, a miscarried child, a loss of identity and self, loss of years and years of my life to depression and an eating disorder, and more ... Last night was an integral part of my grieving and healing processes and I am so grateful for last night's Death and Music event. If you could, would you play Frightened Rabbit's "Floating In the Forth"? Not only has Scott's death hit me very hard but I also have a very long and painful history of my own suicidal ideation. That one of the prominent areas of grief and loss highlighted last night was around suicide was not lost on me." - Erinn, you are not alone! Thank you for coming to our Death & Music event last night and sharing this story with us <3
8:06 AM
46th spin
Let’s go wait out in the fields with the ones we love | Because we’ll all arrive in heaven alive | We’ll all arrive
In our lives we hunger for those we cannot touch | All the thoughts unuttered & all the feelings unexpressed | Play upon our hearts like the mist upon our breath | But, awoken by grief, our spirits speak | How could you believe that the life within the seed | That grew arms that reached | And a heart that beat | And lips that smiled | And eyes that cried | Could ever die? - Love is stronger than death, KEXP family! Send us your stories of love and remembrance to
Saturday, Nov 2, 2024  
Event Info
"I lost my husband of 30 years in July of this year to brain cancer. My grief is unbearable. Music helps, and my community of friends keeps me going. It's a dark place to live - this loss, this grief. At the end of his life, he wanted his playlist to be playing, which I made certain happen. The "song" that became the theme of his cancer was "Can't Find My Way Home." That's the song that makes me cry and that I play again and again. Thank you for bringing this community together." - Christi thank you for sharing, and coming to our Death & Music event last night. You are not alone.
8:30 AM
96th spin
"I've never really understood my father, but he always let me do whatever I wanted—he let me go. 'Father And Son' is for those people who can't break loose" - Cat Stevens in an interview shortly after the release of "Father and Son"
Freddie Mercury passed away on November 24, 1991 at the age of 45 from AIDS. Watch this iconic performance from Queen at Live Aid in 1985 here:
"So many of those who had AIDS in the 80's and 90's died of KS (Kaposi's Sarcoma), a form of opportunistic cancer that was often the actual cause of death after patients' immune systems were compromised. Thousands lost to this disease, and quite a few personally close to me over the decades. There's one song that captured this painful moment in the 90's, none other than my current hometown, "(Streets of) Philadelphia" by Bruce Springsteen." - Agreed! This one's for you, Chris <3
8:56 AM
523rd spin
Mom Show staple. This one's for all of you.
"The 8th anniversary of my dad's death is in 2 days. Every year I listen to this show during such a poignant time. My dad was my person. He was the person I went to to talk about anything. We laughed, cried, and bantered about politics together. I always knew he was the one person in my life who would always listen to me, and love me no matter what. I was 8 weeks pregnant with my first child when I got a call telling me my dad had died suddenly. My dad loved Simon and Garfunkel. The moment I remember over any others during his memorial was when "Bridge Over Troubled Water" started playing. He always was my bridge. My way of honoring my dad is to be that bridge for my kids. If you would play "Bridge Over Troubled Water" I would be grateful." - We've got you, Amy. Hope this helps to get you through your grief over the next couple days <3
I won't run far | I can always be found | I will stay by your side | And I want you to find me | So I'll stay by your side | If you need me
9:23 AM
15th spin
You're listening to the 14th anniversary edition of the Mom Show, a program devoted to grief for the ones we've loved and lost. This one goes out to all the hospice care workers, nurses, doctors, and care givers out there listening in today. You are heroes!
Don't give up | You're not the only one Don't give up | No reason to be ashamed | Don't give up | You still have us | Don't give up now | We're proud of who you are
9:39 AM
217th spin
"Grief has been an ongoing theme in my life. It has changed me. Two of the hardest ones that have impacted my life are I lost my Dad to suicide when I was 22 and lost the love of my life in a tragic car accident on our honeymoon when I 23. I look forward to this show every year and I attended Death in Music last night for the first time. I turn 40 next month and last night was the first time I have truly felt connected and understood. If you get a chance play "Breathe Me" by Sia" - Erin, thank you so much for sharing this with us today, and for coming to our Death & Music event last night. We hope this brings you some comfort today <3
Covered by many artists over the years, this is Sinead O'Conner's take of the anonymous 17th-century Irish poem
"I lost my Dad (far too young) in 2011 and music is one of the things that keeps me close to him still. I can still see him dancing in the lounge when we were kids to Paul Simon, Fleetwood Mac, Roxy Music, Dr John, Rolling Stones amongst others. I’ve no doubt that he would love KEXP, as I do. I’d love to hear The Traveling Wilburys as this was right up there as one of his favourite bands." - Ben in the UK, this is for you in remembrance of your dad <3
9:52 AM
44th spin
"This is my first year without my Mom, although I’ve been grieving her for awhile as we progressed with her through a really tough decline from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. I think last year I wrote in about how even though she didn’t always remember me, and was losing the ability to speak, she continued to sing and respond to music, so I always knew her true spirit was there - she loved music so much and was always so joyful about it. In January, she had a sudden steep decline and finally stopped singing. She was 23 days in hospice care, and her last days were just so painful. Tom Petty’s Wildflowers has been that song that has helped me get through the months since her loss, and just missing her, especially this lyric: You belong among the wildflowers, you belong somewhere close to me, far away from your troubles and worries, you belong somewhere you feel free" - Jeanne, wishing you peace and comfort on this first year without your mom. This is for you, and thank you for sharing your story <3
Thank you to everyone that wrote in to us for this 14th edition of the Mom Show today. We hope you've found some comfort in these songs and stories shared about those that have been loved and lost. Music heals, and you are not alone.
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