John Richards

John Richards

John Richards

The Morning Show
Last show: Wednesday, Oct 23 2024, 7AM
Thursday, Nov 10 2022, 7AM
"Bookends" appears twice on the track listing, as the first (shortened version) and last (known as the Reprise) songs on side one of the original vinyl LP. The “Bookends Theme (Reprise)” contains vocal accompaniment from the duo. "The text refers to the passage of time, and to memories of a loved one, and thus fittingly concludes the series of intervening songs, which address interpersonal relationships at times of life that progress from song to song," wrote James Bennighof, author of The Words and Music of Paul Simon. The piece closes the entire suite with the "resigned admonition" to "Preserve your memories / They're all that's left you."
This song was used on the soundtracks for the films The Nines, Deadgirl, 50/50 and Pop Skull and here on the Morning Show you'll often find it as part of the Mom Show, dedicated to ones loved and lost. You can read more about the evolution of this yearly Morning Show broadcast here:
7:09 AM
81st spin
Mimi Parker, drummer, vocalist and songwriter for the Minnesota indie band Low, has died. Parker was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in December 2020. She was 55 years old. The band shared the news on social media. “Friends, it’s hard to put the universe into language and into a short message, but She passed away last night, surrounded by family and love, including yours. Keep her name close and sacred. Share this moment with someone who needs you. Love is indeed the most important thing.”
Shaina Shepherd opened Death in Music last night with this beautiful song. Balm of Gilead was a rare perfume used medicinally, that was mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, and named for the region of Gilead, where it was produced. The expression stems from William Tyndale's language in the King James Bible of 1611, and has come to signify a universal cure in figurative speech.
7:25 AM
217th spin
This tale of anxiety and self-harm was very real to Sia. The very night she wrote it, she attempted suicide by taking 22 Valium and downing a bottle of vodka, something she didn't reveal until a series of interviews in 2018. After, a phone call from an old friend convinced her to get sober. You are not alone.
Good morning John and Amy. Thank you so much for last night. I lost my son in a car accident 12 years ago and I never got to say goodbye. He was 7. Hearing Rocky and April Votolato talk last night brought me to tears both because I know that pain intimately but also because Rocky's songs have helped me get through so much pain in my life and it was surreal to see him hurting so badly in a way I know so well. My girlfriend lost her mom recently and we've lost a bunch of friends lately too, last night really did make us feel part of something, that we weren't alone, so thank you to you John and Amy, but also to Rocky and April, and everyone else who both performed and showed up to listen. We really are not alone. -JR in Burien
'Always on My Mind' bowled me over the moment I first heard it - Willie Nelson
On he and April's late child Kienan.
Of the song, Rocky explains, “What to say about Becoming Human now… It’s probably the most meaningful song I’ve ever written or will ever write in my life. I wrote it for my child Kienan who passed away in a car accident last year. I do take comfort in the fact that they were able to hear it before they died and told me how much they loved it. It’s a posthumous love letter in it’s release. It’s for the world now.” and... “I want to talk about it because Kienan was so excited for the record to come out and for everyone to hear their song, and I know they would want me to be brave and keep going forward,” Votolato says. “I do take a lot of comfort in knowing that they got to hear this song before they passed and told me how much they loved it.”
8:00 AM
2nd spin
Good morning - I attended last night's beautiful Death & Music event at Town Hall. Walking into that space with a giant backdrop of "You are not alone" was both reassuring and difficult. I've felt very alone in my journey these last two years with grief, so it was fitting that I would attend last night's event by myself. My mother lived in Michigan before she died two years ago, and no one here knew her. Not only that, but although I know I could have invited a friend to come along, no one I know here has experienced a loss like losing their Mom yet. After my Mom died, it was the pandemic, so I spent a lot of time with my 5 year old that I obviously couldn't share any of my grief with (though he unfortunately experienced my grief in so many ways) and listened to music and KEXP all the time. It's been so lonely in my grief, and I feel so grateful to have KEXP in my life to feel less alone. Last night, at the event, there was another person there who went alone. They sat next to me. They didn't intrude. They didn't start up a conversation. They sat quietly next to me, both of us in our aloneness. We seemed to cry at the same times - especially at the places where we were reminded that we were not alone. Not once did we share a glance or a knowing smile. Until the end, I just knew I was there with someone who shared a little of what I have known of grief and the loneliness of it. I could feel that energy. And then, as the 2nd line band paraded through, they shuffled over to say "Thank you for sitting next to me." And now I'm bawling. Because I needed them, and now I know they needed me. I was so much less alone - and that was the point, right? I don't know what their story is - what their loss was and whether or not they like Big Thief. But I found another connection last night through music when Rocky mentioned Big Thief and that it was one of Keenan's favorites. Could you play "Not" by Big Thief if it fits in today? With gratitude, Jessica --------------------------- Thank you Jessica. You are not alone. Bob Boilen of NPR described the song's subject as "the inability to describe what that something is, only to be able to explain what it is not."
8:10 AM
523rd spin
John and Amy, Last night at Death and Music, I brought my whole family to share in the experience with both of you and to share in the experience with every single person there. Each artist and their spoken memories have impacted us deeply. The imprint of last night will forever be a part of us and our experiences. That moment of silence was palpable. You could hear a feather drop. My body vibrated and hummed when everyone was invited to focus their energy on the very people who brought us all there at that particular moment in time. The air felt thick with what I would call the spiritual energy of what we collectively manifested. Two weeks ago our family lost two Alki grandparents: Grandma Vanetta and Grandpa Dick. They were married for almost 60 years. Dick and Vanetta passed away five days apart, at home, surrounded by us and other loved ones. I like to call it A True Love Story. We are grateful that Dick and Vanetta were able to live amazing lives, growing up on Vashon, and spending almost six decades on Alki. Last night at Death and Music, we brought both of our 10-year-old daughters let them know that it's ok to grieve. Losing our beloved grandparents, was tremendously sad and was horribly difficult and was a natural process that happens to us all. While we are all very very sad, and going back to work/school, we want our girls to know it's ok to not be ok, it's ok to cry, it's ok to laugh, it's ok to feel and it's ok share those feelings with the people who are safe in our lives. We are grateful we have KEXP in our lives. We truly feel we are not alone. Would you please dedicate LCD Soundsystems "Someone Great" to Grandma Vanetta and Grandpa Dick as they rest peacefully on the shores of Alki and Vashon forever. Much love to the KEXP family! Lisette ============= Thank you for sharing your story Lisette. You are not alone!
Hi John, Over ten years ago I wrote to you describing the death of my younger son, Craig in a senseless car wreck. I had been listening to the Mom Show while on my commute to work and was moved to write to you. I quickly composed an email as soon as I got to work and I was glad that you read it on the air almost immediately. My friend Shay, whom I had not seen for a few years and who was a good friend to Craig, was listening and heard the letter. Even though I forgot to mention my son’s name, Shay knew immediately who you were talking about. He got in touch with me soon after and we have visited about once a year since then. That is such a happy occurrence resulting from a sad occasion. Thank you for the Mom Show – it is very important to me. I listen when I can and I hope you keep it up even if I am not listening 😉. The song I requested at the time was Postal service “Such Great Heights”. I quoted that song to Craig when we stood up on Steptoe Butte. Everything looks perfect from far away… Denny ----------- Thank you Denny
Since you're gone... r.i.p Ric Ocasek:
Hey there! I’m here to talk about some grief! Yeah! KEXP is actually a character in the story of this very difficult night I have rarely discussed so I appreciate you all for providing this outlet and also for what happened in the story I’m about to tell you. I think it adequately describes the state of devastation we were in when KEXP swept in to help us get through a rough night. I threw in some additional modern praise for KEXP at the end so apologies for length, but I just can't shut up about it! On the day that MCA of the Beastie Boys passed, a KEXP DJ aired a show dedicated to MCA’s memory and unknowingly helped change a horrible night into a still horrible but cathartically memorable night in which me and my mom slept at Harborview ICU the night before my late sister, Carly, was taken off life support. TW: fatal car accident, catastrophic brain trauma. May 4 2012, for many music lovers, is known as the day MCA lost his battle to cancer, and for me, it’s the day that my sister was in the car accident that ended her life. On May 9, the paperwork was completed, with the “termination” event scheduled for the next day. My mom and I stayed in Carly’s hospital room overnight, recognizing these as our final moments with her before she would be sent back on the path to the other side, kind of floating through the day not knowing how to face this, like lost ghosts ourselves. My mom desperately wanted to be in the hospital bed to hold her daughter for the last time, and this nurse said yes, absolutely, and further sensing what might add some comfort, asked if we would like any music playing on the CD player/FM dial of the tiny boombox in the room. I asked for 90.3, not knowing what was playing and whether it would feel appropriate in our current state, but that concern paled in comparison to the option of silence with a dash of the weird beeps, pumps and air compressions of the life support machine. In as close to a cynic’s miracle as I can imagine, the DJ on KEXP was about to start a show dedicated entirely to the life and death of MCA. Carly was covered shoulder to toe in band tattoos representing her love of music, but she loved the Beastie Boys in a special way, as one of her all time favorite groups. I found comfort and a lightness in imagining that she and MCA might be on the same ride through the portal to the other side, and maybe they’ll become good buds over there, wherever there is. The next day, May 10, 2012, Carly was taken off of life support and left us at exactly 4:20 PM, which she would have laughed about, surrounded by family, and we all felt a moment of relief having this closure after the worst week, but the grief ghost followed us home and I knew it would be staying with us for some time. ------------------------------ You are not alone Carrie Joy!
8:32 AM
10th spin
The Bodhisattva vow is a vow (Sanskrit: praṇidhāna, lit. aspiration or resolution) taken by some Mahāyāna Buddhists to achieve full buddhahood for the sake of all sentient beings. In the Mahayana Lalitavistarasutra, the bodhisattva Siddhartha (before becoming Sakyamuni Buddha) is said to have taken the following vow: I will attain the immortal, undecaying, pain-free Bodhi, and free the world from all pain.
8:42 AM
45th spin
Good Evening from Ukraine, I haven’t been able to tune in for a few weeks because of power cuts due to the damage caused to infrastructure here. I finally have internet this evening strong enough to stream and it is the Mom Show. It seems fortuitous. I work for an International NGO here and there is so much loss all around us. The grief never goes away but we learn to move through it. This week we learned one of our colleagues who joined the army after the 24th, was killed in action. We are all grieving here all the time but this is just the most recent for me and my colleagues. The song Russians by Sting keeps running through my head and is still, unfortunately, as relevant as it was when he originally produced it. I might have a power cut before you are able to play it but could you play it his memory? For ever grateful, Slava Ukraini Patrice
Thank you for doing this show. I've listened almost every year, and this is the first year with a loss that is very near. My father, John, passed away recently in Portland. He was 85, had Parkinsons and had about as soft a landing as one could hope for. He was surrounded by family and love, which still doesn't prepare for the loss. He was raised in Seattle and we just had a wonderful service for him in Mt. Baker as he returned to Seattle forever. Dad was a Presbyterian pastor and helped more people than i could ever imagine. And he was a loving, complicated man and we had a loving, complicated relationship that we never resolved. So now I'm starting to process that and not exactly sure where to start. While I never really understood the plane on which he operated, i recently realized that it probably wasn't for me to understand and also it's his operating on another plane that probably made for his very productive partnership with God. So while I'm still thinking about where to begin, I just realized that this show also helped prepare me for the loss. There have been so many moments of the show that I understand and didn't think anyone else did. And while I have no illusions that you'll find this message an hour into what I'm sure is a flood of beautiful emotions pouring into the show this morning, I feel better having written it. So thank you for all that you do for loss and healing. This is only the first of many in my life (it's the one thing we can all be sure of.) If you have time for a request (long shot) it would be Morning Is Broken, which is the one hymn I liked in church because Cat Stevens redid it or Hey, Goodbye (Macha/Bedhead) because "moms and dads, when times are hard do the best they can." Much love from Chicago, Paul ====== The hymn "Morning Has Broken" originally appeared in the second edition of Songs of Praise (published in 1931), to the tune "Bunessan", composed in the Scottish Islands. In Songs of Praise Discussed, the editor, Percy Dearmer, explains that as there was need for a hymn to give thanks for each day.
Hi, John. Thanks for the show today. As it happens we just had to put my mom in hospice a couple of weeks ago and I’m traveling to see her with my brothers this weekend. She Is a dear sweet woman. I’m so lucky that she went out of her way to expose me to so many cultural things. It’s an important part of my soul now. I remember when I was a kid she would sing “You Are My Sunshine” to me. Wondering if you could play Johnny Cash’s version of that this morning. Shane in Colorado ==============
Hi John and Amy, When my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2007, my buddy Chris told me about KEXP, DJ John Richards, and The Mom Show. I've been hooked and deeply appreciative of you and all the work that you do through community and grief ever since ❤ I wish I was anywhere near Seattle so that I could attend the Death and Music show (I'm in D.C.). My mom always sang "You Are My Sunshine" to me (even into adulthood). If you have time to play Ray Charles' version of "You Are My Sunshine," I would be grateful. Thank you for always making us feel and know that we are not alone. -Erin ===============
According to BMI, "You Are My Sunshine" has been recorded by over 350 artists and translated into 30 languages.
Shovels & Rope
Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024  
Event Info
9:04 AM
32nd spin
You are not alone.
9:12 AM
16th spin
John & Amy (and everyone who makes the Death & Music show happen), I want to express my love and gratitude for providing such a safe space for us to gather last night. Where we can at once feel able to privately grieve yet grieve as a collective soul. There is something so magical and indescribable about the energy in the Town Hall space. Like we are all one organism, one living body working through our feelings. I lost my entire immediate family to a car accident in December of 1995 (when I was 27). This time of year, due to the anniversary of the accident & the upcoming holidays, I am usually flooded with emotions; sad and nostalgic and afraid and happy and confused and proud and brave. Tonight was special. I am lucky enough to already know that I am not alone, that I have the support of so many amazing family members & friends. But, to walk into the show tonight and FEEL the ENERGY of all the people there, it really made an impact that will stay with me forever. Thank you for that gift. I used to sing ‘Landslide’ to my mom, it was an acknowledgement of my growing up & apart from her. At the memorial service for my family (mom, dad & sister), I had that song played. The music tonight was more of what my soul needed. Thanks to the amazing artists who shared their stories & their hearts with all of us!" A song (that I believe I first heard John play on the Morning Show) by Wild Pink, ILYSM keeps popping into my head today. If you find a chance to squeeze that one in today, I would love it. All my best, Nicole (Seattle, WA) ------------------- Thank you for writing in Nicole. You are not alone.
MJ Lenderman and Wild Pink
Saturday, Feb 22, 2025  
Event Info
9:20 AM
140th spin
My husband (“Ryan”) Ryin is a long time listener, music fan, and lived in Bellingham for a long time…. he listens to John everyday. He introduced me to the Mom Show…. I always loved it but until I experienced loss myself, I didn’t really get it. I was 7 months pregnant when we found out our daughter was sick… we had to make a choice. The worst choice for any parent. I could feel her kicking. It took me two days to deliver her. I sat and cried hearing Rocky talk. I feel everything now. I want to dedicate REM Nightswimming to my husband Ryin- who is my rock. We named our daughter River Belle… we buried her on Oct 19th. She was loved. Corinne ----- There are no words. Thank you Corrine. You are not alone.
Good morning, John and Amy. Thank you for a wonderful and cathartic show. I lost my younger brother suddenly to alcoholic keto acidosis two years ago. Please give an extra shout out to the listener who lost her sister on the same day as MCA (was it Katy? I apologize for forgetting her name). Her email was incredibly moving and worked the sadness, shock and grief of losing a loved one suddenly. There is relief - we listened to REM's "You Are the Everything " as we said our final goodbyes to Jonathan, and that reconnected me to him and reminded me of all of our good times together. But the grief ghost does indeed follow you home. And every now and the it taps you in the shoulder to remind you of the one you lost and still miss, as the previous message did. Not a bad thing at all; rather an opportunity to remember and reconnect with the loved one and to feel that live again. Thanks again for these really special days. Stephen in Calgary ============= It is important to remember those good times together. You are not alone.
Hi John. Thank you for this powerful day. I've always listened, but this year I'm listening differently. I lost my mother Diane this past February after a very brief illness that was never given a specific diagnosis. I feel very grateful that I was able to spend her last month with her down in Arizona surrounded by family. She went how she wished to go before she totally lost her mind, and before she wasn't able to do the things she loved. Mom came to visit Seattle last August and we went to music festivals, art shows, and hung out with friends. We had a campfire, mom taught the kids to hula hoop - everything was perfect. And by February she was gone. My rocker mother is unquestionably the reason I am so passionate about music. When I was 8, in 1976, she took me to see KISS - she was that kind of mom. I miss her terribly. One of her favorite songs was Fleetwood Mac, the Chain. I hear it so differently now. We are not alone. Thanks. 💜 Ellen in Arlington ================ . KISS at 8. That's pretty awesome. You are not alone Ellen
Hey John - 11-1/2 years ago, my wife and I lost our 5 year old daughter to cancer. The pain is still there, of course, but has changed over time to more of a longing ache. Her name was Phoebe, and we called her our little bird. The one song that always hits me in the feels is “The Littlest Birds” by the Be Good Tanyas. Thanks for this amazing day and all you do for mental health awareness. Caleb in Stevens Pass ============ Thank you Caleb. You are not alone.
While the show strikes me at a different angle of my grief process each time, I was thinking about the evolution of my relationship with the song Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwoʻole I still think about the high school music group singing this with absolute clarity and kindness at my father's graveside after his 4 year battle with cancer claimed him in 2015. For a long time, I couldn't for the life of me listen to the song. I've come back to it very slowly over last few years and now have a chance to take a deep breath and remember a life well lived and loved. I'm ready for Over the Rainbow, if you would be so kind to play. With gratitude, Heather =================== You are not alone Heather. Thank you.
Hey friends, if you have time, cld u pls play Rainbow Connection? It's for my dad, the most gentle soul a girl could ask for. It'd mean a lot. Thinking of all of you and wishing everyone healing, especially my friend Jess, who lost her mom and beacon just a week ago. Thanks. Stacia in San Francisco ============== You are not alone Stacia Songwriter Paul Williams said about writing this song: "How do we show that [Kermit] is a thinking frog, and that he has an introspective soul, and all that good stuff? We looked at his environment, and his environment is water and air - and light. And it just seemed like it would be a place where he would see a rainbow. But we also wanted to show that he would be on this spiritual path, examining life, and the meaning of life."
Thank you for this lovely healing show today. Hearing You are my Sunshine reminds me of my father, who taught me to live jazz and Louis Armstrong. He died of complications related to agent Orange exposure 13 years ago. He had amazing doctors and nurses at the seattle VA hospital. If it fits in, could you please play Louis' "what a wonderful world" Kat ============= You're welcome Kat. And thank you, you are not alone
Thank you for sharing your stories today. We’ll be sharing stories from listeners and artists about their personal experiences with death, and playing songs that helped on their journey all day today. You are not alone
This past April marked the 40th anniversary of my father's death. I was 12 years old and the years before his passing were tumultuous because of my parent's divorce. His death was one of the seminal events of my life. And even though I've processed the grief many times over the decades, I often wonder how my life would have been different had he lived to see me grow up. It will always hurt that he wasn't able to guide me through the bumps and turns in the road, celebrate milestones or know me as the woman I am today. Or, meet his grandson, Sam, who is named for him. Could you please play Love is Stronger than Death by The The? Thank you for all you do and for the community bound by love and empathy you've helped to create with The Mom Show. KEXP reminds me daily that I am not alone. -- Beth ================ We'll keep reminding you - you are not alone!
Saturday, Nov 2, 2024  
Event Info
"Death is not just an absence, it’s the presence of things that once were. 'I came here for the long haul/ Now I leave here an empty f*cking hole' — loss is a gulf, wide and deep and something that’s so easy to fall into and never climb out of." See Japanese Breakfast perform this song in the KEXP studio in 2016:
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