John Richards

John Richards

John Richards

The Morning Show
Last show: Wednesday, Oct 23 2024, 7AM
Wednesday, Nov 4 2020, 7AM
Hey Wednesday, it's time for The Morning Show. You are not alone.
7:06 AM
106th spin
"Another sunrise with my sad captains With who I choose to lose my mind And if it's all we only pass this way but once What a perfect waste of time"
7:12 AM
346th spin
Where is my mind?
7:15 AM
464th spin
Satirical website The Hard Times says, "Experts warned today that listening to the hit Mountain Goats song “This Year” is no longer enough to motivate Americans to get through 2020 if it kills them." -
Eddie Vedder w/ Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers- Denver, CO 7/3/06 -
7:24 AM
2nd spin
Nance: "Thank you. I sang along, I cried, and Eddie convinced me I will be OK just as I pulled into work. #YouAreNotAlone stay strong. We are ok. Red heart" ------ "It's ok It's ok We've all seen better days..."
Amy in Atlanta: Thank you for this Neil Young. This song is getting me ready as I set out to go door to door in Atlanta for GA Democrats to cure all of the votes that weren't counted. Not giving up hope! -- In February 1989, Young learned that a planned concert tour to the Soviet Union was not going to happen and his guitarist Frank "Poncho" Sampedro said "we'll have to keep on rockin' in the free world".
The lyrical themes of this album were influenced by the loneliness and depression Granduciel faced after he finished touring. You are not alone.
7:48 AM
16th spin
hi john - requesting sigur ros’s untitled #4 on my and your behalves. going to be a long day/week yet, but we’ll get thru it. take care of yourself! forrest from denver --- John and sparkle motion - I don't know what's going on in this country, but I always know what's going on here, in the KEXP community. Thanks for giving us something to look forward to this morning. No requests, just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. - Jessica --------- Members of the band have referred to ( ) as Svigaplatan, which translates to "The Bracket Album".
7:54 AM
61st spin
How about some Tears for Fears cuz I need to SHOUT right now! Thank you for showing up and give us all a positive distraction from all this insanity! Best, Marne -------- "It concerns protest inasmuch as it encourages people not to do things without actually questioning them. People act without thinking because that's just the way things go in society. So it's a general song, about the way the public accepts any old grief which is thrown at them." — Curt Smith "A lot of people think that 'Shout' is just another song about primal scream theory, continuing the themes of the first album. It is actually more concerned with political protest. It came out in 1984 when a lot of people were still worried about the aftermath of The Cold War and it was basically an encouragement to protest." — Roland Orzabal
8:00 AM
246th spin
Arcade Fire is working on a new album during quarantine. More here:
Because by the Beatles always makes me feel like the sun is coming up, so that's my request. This is -Stephanie in Seattle ♥️ ---- Annette writes from Germany: Just felt the urgent need this morning to write and let you know that your friends in Germany and Europe are probably just as nervous as you are. Been texting all morning with my friends and there is a lot of anxiety going on. Please be assured we are thinking of you and we are keeping our fingers crossed. Good luck and the warmest of wishes
8:07 AM
183rd spin
Greetings from a snowy Maine Sparkle Motion! The last few days I have had Sugar's Hoover Dam in my head...because we are on the precipice of so many things as a country and I feel "on the center line right between two states of mind." Would be so fitting to hear it this morning. Wishing you moments of peace and calm. With immense gratitude for you and KEXP, Beth
Team Sparklemotion - I am so grateful that KEXP is here for the community and am grateful to do my small part each month to keep it going - I normally don't request songs but just like to offer inspiration and positive energy. But today is not normal - I am afraid across so many dimensions of society that I don't really know what to think anymore. If you could put on some Scott Hutchison/Frightened Rabbit I would be most grateful - seems like it would help. Thank you for all you do! Long live KEXP! -Jason ----------- Holy cow Frightened Rabbit thank you so much. Best of luck today, or this week or month, whatever. Love from -Tim in Edmonton
The "whole of the moon" is the big picture, which takes a particular vision to see. In a Songfacts interview with Waterboys frontman Mike Scott, he said: "I wrote the song when I was 26 years old, and I was discovering that there was so much more than I had ever known. There was so much more to learn than I'd even been hinted at in the culture I'd grown up in. I had a strong sense of wonderment about that, and I realized there were people who had vastly more information in their imaginations and experiences than I had. And so that's what inspired that song." -
8:27 AM
264th spin
Hey man! Keep fighting! Love you. Stay strong. Could you play "Trouble" by TV on the Radio around 8:15 am when Wolfie & Otto are awake and listening. Thx for what you're doing Libby
8:31 AM
27th spin
Hey Cheryl in NYC who is feeling numb, You are not alone. -- I just turned that s*** up so god damn loud. Thank you John. Music heals. You are not alone. Kevin (West Seattle) -- Hal writes: uncomfortably numb... How hard is it to create a playlist defining the feelings I have right now? Van Jones said it last night. He is profoundly disappointed with the lack of complete repudiation of this administration. No matter how this turns out (dare I hold on to that last shred of hope?), I share his feelings. Where has my country gone? As always, KEXP is helping. Every effin’ song is spot on. Just wish I could be at home in bed listening.. Hal
If you haven’t played it, could you consider The The’s Love Is Stronger Than Death? Thanks, Sara
Saturday, Nov 2, 2024  
Event Info
Don’t give up, the Peter Gabriel song (& also in general, please don’t give up) Red heart from Canada -Pamela -- Thank you for being there, Thank you for caring about real s*** and the people that are affected, thank you for being part of this community. I want to wallow in despair and nausea but what I need is to put on the armor and get in there cuz that’s what it takes. Music is going to help me do that, like it always does. Thank you. Janette -- I have no requests. As always you play what I want (need?!) to hear. Brant in Dallas oh man as I was about to hit send Peter Gabriel comes on. That song got me through some tough times as a young adult.
Shannon writes: You’re all giving me life this morning. This opening set is life-giving. And this after Gabriel reminded us that the work doesn’t stop or end with an election and not to lose faith. KEXP family is the best. Woo boy, you all take care, too. Breathe. Sing. Fight.
8:52 AM
356th spin
Jeremy (proud amplifier): Thank you thank you thank you. Just as in 2016, the music coming out my speakers is helping me hold onto my sanity in these strange times. Much love to you all. Namaste
8:55 AM
111th spin
I would not have made it thru November 9, 2016, without you. As luck would have it, I was in my car a lot that day which gives me ample opportunity to jam out to KEXP without interruption. The music gave voice to my rage, disbelief & sorrow, & the absence of John's usual commentary said everything there was to be said. Four years later, & I'm still turning to KEXP for help processing the world around me. I have hope Biden will eke out a win, but that our country managed to cough up so many votes for a would-be dictator is depressing as hell. Can one song carry the weight of this confusion? I'm torn between Radiohead's stop whispering & Langhorne Slim's life is confusing & people are insane. If either one fits a set at some point this morning, could you please play it? Thank you for being there. I feel less lost when I listen to KEXP :) Jammie
Greg, Stevens Point, Wisconsin: Good Morning KEXP, Thanks for showing up today John! If you don’t SHOW UP, if I don’t SHOW UP who will? Man KEXP has really been with me through this pandemic and you KEXP keep strong and keep me going each and every day, Thank you! I love KEXP!
'Morning, morning team, Probably have requests for PE's By the time I get to Arizona (yay, flipped it!) & Biting my Nails by Renegade Soundwave, but I'm also hoping for calm stuff like Pearl Jam's Breathe & Texas Sun by U... & Leon Bridges. Peace, Amy Baltimore, MD
That was a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. If that had been an actual emergency, you would have received a message to scream into a pillow over the catastrophe that is 2020...
9:11 AM
31st spin
Hi. Hang in there. It's not over yet....... how about Blister in the Sun by the Violent Femmes. Can you even play that on the radio??? -Jennifer
Joey in Seattle: John, I'm about to pop. How are you hanging in there? This music is perfect btw
“‘Life is confusing and people are insane’ seems to make even more sense now than it did the day I wrote it,” says. “It might even be the most concise sentence I’ve ever constructed. I pray in my way that because this seems to be a fundamental truth, we can unite as human animals in the beauty and terror that is life, instead of dividing and living in fear. I believe in my heart that it’s possible.” - --- Thanks for the request, Jammie!
If you haven't already done so, could you play Talkin’ bout a revolution by Tracy Chapman? Holding you and all of our KEXP community in my thoughts on this anxious morning. Thanks for the beautiful music. Heather
This is Royal. I'd love to hear The Smiths’ Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want, for obvious reasons.
9:26 AM
19th spin
Good morning! I would like to dedicate Rise by Eddie Vedder to my daughter Lucy who wrote her first letter to the editor this past week. She is a sophomore in high school - 15 years old...She wrote an amazingly detailed piece with a lot of facts to support her feelings! It was published in our local weekly! She definitely ruffled some feathers as one man responded that she is ignorant and too young to have a worthy opinion. Let’s celebrate our youth! They are more informed and engaged than any prior generation. Thanks, Cory
Someday we'll find it... -- Music and oxygen are helping me. You are not alone. My heart hurts for so many people right now though that feel very alone and afraid. -Jamiee -- Rainbow Connection, bring on the waterworks!!! Thank you. It's not always easy to be a dreamer. I love you. Stacee in Boulder 💙💙💙💙💙
You are not alone and we'll all get thru this together. And I say this with tears in my eyes. We will get thru this! Brian in Orlando, FL -- Walk on, walk on With hope in your heart And you'll never walk alone...
I see friends shaking hands Saying, "How do you do?" They're really saying "I love you"
9:37 AM
103rd spin
John, I woke up feeling like a stranger in my own country. I’m trying to be patient and positive—neither of which comes naturally to me. But I can’t help but feel a deep sense of dread. Thank you for always being there for me—on good days and bad. My heart is full knowing I’m always among friends in the KEXP community. No matter the outcome, we’re in this together. Adrienne in Bethesda, MD -- "The song describes a time in everybody’s life that make you lose faith in yourself, in someone else, or in life itself and you just need to hear from someone that one day everything will be OK again. That no matter what, with time and patience we all will be OK.” Read more from our interview with them, over on the KEXP blog:
9:40 AM
73rd spin
Woke up to “the waiting” and now listening to “what a wonderful world” I am able to release some pent up tears. Thank you for showing up today for our community. Your playlist is helping me stay calm, grounded, and committed to moving forward regardless of what comes next. I struggle to remember sometimes that the benevolent stream always exists (especially when seeing election results like these), and music helps me remember to turn to the stream, draw from it, and contribute to it. Thank you for today, Maria in Seattle -- "Whisper in my ear, "happy you are here" Everything seems clear, and we're alright, we're alright..."
The Resistance Revival Chorus is a collective of more than 60 women and non-binary singers, who join together to breathe joy and song into the resistance, and to uplift and center women’s voices. Chorus members are touring musicians, film and television actors, Broadway performers, solo recording artists, gospel singers, political activists, educators, filmmakers, artists, and more, representing a multitude of identities, professions, creative backgrounds, and activist causes. The RRC centers women in music, and addresses how historically marginalized women have been in the music industry.
This is the opening track to The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. An announcement airs that the world will end in five years' time because of a lack of natural resources.
Mac McCaughan says this song is about "trying to look at any possible bright side of the coming new year after the disaster that was this one.” It was chosen as a KEXP Song of the Day:
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