John Richards

John Richards

John Richards

The Morning Show
Last show: Wednesday, Oct 23 2024, 7AM
Thursday, Oct 1 2020, 7AM
7:01 AM
183rd spin
Here's Bob Mould performing "Hoover Dam' live for KEXP listeners in 2013:
7:31 AM
43rd spin
You may have cried then John, I am for sure crying now. Thanks for being a flotation device for us all. #youarenotalone -Nance -- Ben writes: My buddies Ted and Theo worked at the Croc and said I should get down there. They got me up in the loft with that dirty sofa. Then Mad Season came out and blew everyone away. Another memorable night in old Seattle. Thanks for reminding me. -- I appreciate you for addressing the hard feelings involved with this sinking ship. It humanizes our experience as well as gives others the courage to look at what their feeling. Acknowledging the darkness is where the growth begins... Thank you for your bravery on air. -Krystall
Thank you for being here... 6 months of unemployment ends today as i start my new job. What a year but turning a corner into fall and a new rhythm ahead. A rhythm shaped and supported by you and KEXP Just keep playing what you are playing... Stay Amazing!!! matthew
Dear John, First off, I am so glad you and Gabriel continued the 90s music today. It's really making my week. I know I am biased as someone who came of age in the 90s, but the 90s gave us the best of rock and hiphop and I love that KEXP brings it allllll together for me. I am an amplifier and I raised my monthly amount the other day because y'all have just been bringing it. This year is hell and you are my shining light. The line-up changes to diversify the music and voices even further: AMAZING. Second, I want to thank you for the 90s Seattle stories. I was a youngun in the early 90s. I was in junior high in the suburbs of Chicago and I loved all things Seattle so much. I did not move here until 2013 and sometimes I wish I could walk through a portal and see the Seattle that I daydreamed about as a 13 year old kid. Your stories open that portal a little for me. And damn, now you are playing one of my favorite Screaming Trees song. I better go and enjoy it. Thank you! Stephanie, South Seattle
7:51 AM
191st spin
Todd writes: My 90's listening experience was shaped by going to school at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst -- obviously a mecca of early 90's rock -- can you play a song from Dinosaur Jr or Sebadoh, Throwing Muses, Blake Babies --- something for us east coasters? -- This Dino Jr record is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! -Chris in Hoboken
As a lifelong cyclist, I’ve been so grateful to have purchased an eBike earlier this Summer! It was a game changer. Fondly thinking of Summer mornings sneaking off before my family woke up. KEXP in my headphones, riding to my local coffee shop. Talking to strangers and drinking a coffee that didn’t come from my kitchen. Now, I’m back to monitoring my son’s distance learning. Trying not to feel trapped at home. Enjoy the freedom and joy of your new bikes! *Would love to know which one you got for Henry if you have a moment. (My 9 yr old has one with a throttle and I’m not sure he’ll ever peddle again. Not a good thing!) Hope you make matching jackets once you settle on your bike gang! Hearts & high fives, Claire
8:01 AM
180th spin
John, I am a Seattle transplant living in Chicago. Since the pandemic I have reconnected with KEXP. As a University Professor, I am facing certain layoffs this fall due to the financial impact of COVID on my institution. I have spent days struggling to get out of bed, not knowing what I am going to do with my life if I am no longer able to be a teacher . But as I listened to your Crocodile story, it brought back memories of living in Bell Town in the 90s. Eating at World Pizza, gathering enough money for a PBR at NiteLite, and running into the soon to be greats of the Seattle music scene. For the first time in a long time I had tears of joy instead of sorrow. Thank you for the memories. -Stephanie
Greetings from the fog down south! I was so excited to turn on the station today like I have almost every other day this year and hear “River of Deciet” and “Say Hello to Heaven” back to back. I thought to myself, ‘Is it my birthday or something?’ So many memories of growing up in rural Alaska without a lot of access to music except when we drove the 400 mile round trip to Anchorage where I would spend nearly every dollar I had on tapes and cds. I was a cassette holdout for longer than most simply because I could get so much more that way. I even have a cassette copy of Pearl Jam’s second album that says “Five Against One” before they changed it to “Vs.” I spent so many October 1 afternoons in my bedroom listening to whatever new album I had gotten as a gift. So I just wanted to say thank you for this gift. Your faithful amplifier in Portland, Jacob
8:06 AM
8th spin
For Angie, and Matt who writes: I would love to hear "Sit Down" by James that was released in 1990 if you can work it into the mix. Though it is about mental health and depression, it always picks me up and brings a big smile to my face. I really need as much of that as I can find these difficult and dark days. I am a proud Amplifier and I am so grateful for everything that you and the incredible team at KEXP do - every day. Thank you,
Wow, this set brought be straight back to my college days, cruising in my old Toyota Camry. Formative years, lifelong friends, and a soundtrack to get us through tall the muck, silliness, and exhilaration. Thank you! Natalie in Santa Fe NM
8:13 AM
85th spin
Saturday, Nov 2, 2024  
Event Info
8:21 AM
17th spin
John - your story about PJ@The Croc moved me to share mine. Don't feel obligated to share this, but if you could play some Bob Mould/Sugar that would be awesome. I do not live in Seattle but make a few trips a year. Three years ago I was in town... and Bob Mould happened to be playing solo electric at the Crocodile. I walked a few blocks through stereotypical Seattle rain showers to The Croc to see a line already formed at the door. Stepped up to the ticket office and the guy behind the window asked me if I was picking up tickets to which I said no, but I would like to buy one. He broke me the bad news that the show was sold out, but offered the protip I might be able to buy one off someone in line. Stood around in the rain for a ten minutes … I'm still asking people in line for spare tickets until the line is gone. About the time I'm ready to call it a night, door guy yells at me "Hey Michigan!" and calls me over. I walk over, he opens the door and lets me inside. I walk up to person taking tickets and pull out my wallet to pay her, but she just waves me into the venue. I must have stood there for 10 seconds wondering "Is this really happening?" She just smiled and said enjoy the show. Spent the rest of the night at the front of the stage soaking up all the sound. And that is how I got to see Bob Mould, and why I love Seattle. Great show today. mike y Crocodile fan for life.
For D Rose who writes: WOW. 🤓 Thanks for playing it. We'll get through this unprecedented time. Hang in there.
8:34 AM
238th spin
Good morning! I love hearing Cream this morning! This was one of the first cassette singles I ever bought when I was in sixth grade. Thank you for bringing some fun & escape to my morning! Anna
8:47 AM
109th spin
8:54 AM
57th spin
9:03 AM
114th spin
It's my birthday today and thought I'd share the news that my wife got me a karaoke machine! Right now she's in the room teaching 1st grade and my 2nd grader has zoom school, so the jammin will have to happen later... Put on something pretty for Seattle so I can sing into my disconnect mic. Love my KEXP community! -James P.S. Go to song is "Friends in Low Places."
9:08 AM
35th spin
Michael writes: "when I walked into a record store and Ministry was thrust into my brain. I bought it immediately (and) this song introduced me to a while new world of music! did my chores to this album. My Vacuum carpet lines were on point! Brett / LA -- I nearly snapped my neck head banging to this song yesterday. I’m only slightly recovered and here you are playing it today. Dammit man. Shane in Pennsylvania
9:13 AM
113th spin
Aileen writes: I saw Ministry and Helmet in SF together back in 90s. My friend put her foot on my leg and asked would I tie her shoe? "No, not in the pit during Helmet, Michelle, now get your foot off my leg."
9:17 AM
135th spin
9:21 AM
61st spin
9:23 AM
220th spin
9:26 AM
222nd spin
9:36 AM
70th spin
9:41 AM
26th spin
I'm literally just going to go through every song off the Playlist from today and create a 90's Playlist when I get home from work. Its so good! -jEREMIAH -- Roy writes: "Is it me or does he sound like he is from the Vedder family?" Nope. Not hearing it - Sparkle Motion
9:44 AM
89th spin
Derek writes: It's my birthday! What a great show today. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Tonight I shall drink the drinks of 10,000 men.
9:48 AM
98th spin
Zach: Jawbox would sound really good after Sunny Day Real Estate🤘🏼 -- Zach was right.
9:52 AM
2nd spin
A listener writes: I have a great memory of driving around Toledo Ohio in the 90's in my brothers 79 trans am (think "the bandit") and blasting this curve album. I thought I was hot shoot 😂 Dave from west Seattle
10:00 AM
1st spin?!
"Take All of Me" will be available for download on their Bandcamp page @ this Friday October 2nd - This song is the first single from their upcoming EP, which they are currently working on and hope to release early next year!
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