John Richards

John Richards

John Richards

The Morning Show
Last show: Wednesday, Oct 23 2024, 7AM
Thursday, Aug 6 2020, 7AM
7:09 AM
1st spin?!
For Amplifier John in Leschi: "Dave is amazing live and electric, always a surprise how unassuming he is. I miss being able to go to shows and his were some of my favorites including a guest sit in on drums for Damien Jurado at the tractor about 20 years ago."
Amplifer request for Quintin in Columbia, SC: "The Mermaid Avenue tracks are favorites of mine and thought this would fit more with the Morning Show vibe than "All You Fascists" which was my first thought because election day can't come too soon. Thanks to John for keeping me company in my home office every workday."
Request for Amplifier Shelly in Lynnwood, WA because: "The words just kick at my heart every time. I feel connected to it. And then there is Neko’s voice. Swoon."
7:22 AM
44th spin
Amplifier Leetza in Seattle notes about this request: "Only KEXP understands that not all great music comes in under the three minute mark, and not all classics are on the greatest hits albums. This is my all time favorite song and I can only hear it on my all time favorite station!"
7:28 AM
93rd spin
Request for Amplifier Jay in Portland OR: "First Aid Kit is just one of the many artists/bands that KEXP DJs have exposed me to over the last 20 years but they hold a special place in my heart as they are now my daughters’ (ages 8 and 11) favorite band too. They love singing Emmylou together. Thanks John for bringing First Aid Kit’s genius into our lives, they always sound amazing but especially in the first hour of the Morning Show."
7:32 AM
88th spin
Amplifer Karin in Seattle notes about her request today: "This song reminds me of an old friend in VA. He also listens to Kexp!"
7:39 AM
16th spin
Requested from Amplifer Nick in Maple Valley because: "The album is Layne Staley's best work."
7:47 AM
8th spin
Amplifier Darren in Issaquah requested this one because: "Haven’t heard it on the radio in a long time."
Elliott Smith would have turned 51 years old today. He was 34 years old when he passed away on October 21, 2003.
7:57 AM
105th spin
Amplifier Joy in West Seattle notes with this request: "I remember being seventeen. It was a difficult time because I was on the cusp of being an adult and having all that independence I craved so much yet not fully aware of all the responsibilities, stresses and real world disappointments that would soon be reality. As a teacher, I think about my current high school students who ARE seventeen right now, growing up in this crazy world amidst a pandemic and insane change, and trying to figure out their paths. Life is so different for them than it was for many of us who’ve been separated from our teens for multiple decades now. It was a time of my life I desperately wanted out of. Now, I look back and realize I actually romanticize some of it. Funny what age can do for perspective and super thankful songs like this can transport me back, even if only for a few minutes."
8:01 AM
87th spin
Request from Amplifier Megan in Bothell, WA: "I'm from Indiana, and this song always reminds me of home!"
Amplifier Stephane in Québec City adds with this request: "In 2005 that track opened on the then unnamed Music That Matters podcast, Volume 2. I took that podcast with me on my first solo travel to the other side of the planet. That song and KEXP will always be linked to that big moment for me, thank you KEXP!"
8:14 AM
139th spin
Amplifier Bryan in Snoqualmie notes about this request:"It’s just a really good song that puts me in a good mood."
8:21 AM
384th spin
Amplifier Joey in Nashville requested this one because: "It’s awesome and Soul Mining is one of my favorite albums of all time!"
Saturday, Nov 2, 2024  
Event Info
Request for Amplifier Stacy in Silverdale, WA: "I thought about songs that make political or social statements, that would make sense in our current climate. But I also thought about songs that heal. And this song, for me, heals. It has been my go-to song when I'm feeling down for 30+ years."
Amplifier Mark in Seattle asked for this one and said: "I first heard the Stone Roses and this song on my first road trip from MN to Seattle in 1991, and it always reminds me of “discovering” Seattle, and that first descent from Snoqualmie Pass, the smell of green in the air, the excitement..."
8:37 AM
74th spin
Request for Jaimee in Mountlake Terrace because: "The Cure is my favorite band and this song always makes me smile, I just can't help it."
8:37 AM
12th spin
For Amplifier Anthony: "KEXP came into my life many, many years ago when I lost my radio station to the corporate machine. Searching for a place to hear a diverse, eclectic mix of music I found KEXP, of all times, during a donor drive. It took all of 3 songs to get me hooked. I donated that day, asked for a request (that you played !!!) and haven’t looked back. When wearing one of the many KEXP t-shirts I’m always asked “What Is KEXP ?”. Well that just leads into a many minute long explanation of what KEXP is and all the great things KEXP does. The best part is I’ve gotten many people to listen and, more importantly, donate. You have been there for the good times, the bad and have acted as a musical therapist for me and everyone in the KEXP community. It is this sense of community that makes the station so special. I’m proud to be one of the morning faithful and especially an amplifier club member."
8:44 AM
9th spin
Request from Amplifier Kristin in Bainbridge Island who adds: "I chose this to celebrate love, fearlessness, connection and hope for the sensual world."
Amplifier Amy in Baltimore, MD adds with this request: "KEXP creates freeform playlists found nowhere else. All the DJs share new & old music, & this station is a mainstay in my life. I chose this song bc "after winter, must come spring, change will come eventually" - right now, we're hoping for a positive change & KEXP has helped us through music & reminders that we're not alone - & I thank you ALL for that!"
Request for Amplifier Ryan in West Seattle who notes: "I work at a grocery store in my neighborhood. With the Rona going on every time I walk into work this song pops into my head. With us being considered essential, we have all been working extra hours while trying to put on a brave face ( even under the mask). We are trying to take every step to make sure everybody stays safe and healthy. I try to put it out of my mind but every time I go to work I know not only am I putting myself in danger as well as my wife."
8:56 AM
15th spin
Amplifier Lisa in Tukwila adds with her request: "Good little ditty."
For the Amplifiers that love the rain!
Amplifier Melody in Lynnwood, Washington notes about this request: “Cause love’s such an old fashioned word and love dares you to care for the people on the edge of the night...”. We all need a lot of love right now."
This one is for Amplifier Sybil in Seattle because: "It's my favorite song :)"
Amplifier Jeff in Bothell asked for this one because: "I gained a new appreciation to the song when it was an all day event at KEXP to play every song/band referenced in it." (Morning Show note: James Murphy shouts out 55 musicians in this song...and The Sonics 4 times.)
Amplifier Christine in Mountlake Terrace wanted to hear this one because: "It's a great song to boogie to with your family in quarantine!"
Note from Amplifiers Shelby, Chris, and Esmé in Greenwood, Seattle: "From our first dance to This Must Be the Place to family dance parties to Stop Making Sense Talking Heads/David Byrne always lifts our spirits and gets us dancing - now more than ever!"
9:38 AM
21st spin
For Jason and Liam in Madison, Wisconsin: "We have been very hard core with our quarantine measures for many obvious reasons and more particularly because Liam is susceptible to respiratory issues. He hasn’t been around and therefore played with another kid since his last day at school back on March 17th but man he is handling it so well and just a joy to be around everyday. I have a turntable downstairs in my home office and he pops down here several times per day and we spin records. I try to turn him to as much music and as much variety as I can. He is currently hanging out with me in my office watching some WWE matches on the tube. Any chance you could play 1999 for him? He truly is a joy to be around even during these times and yes, “life is just a party and parties weren’t meant to last”
9:42 AM
14th spin
Request from Amplifier Joni in Portland, OR because: "I love finding new music on KEXP and this song was my biggest surprise from last year. When John said Mongolian Throat singing, I’ll admit, I was skeptic. But man is this song an ear worm and everyone I share it with has KEXP to thank!"
9:46 AM
58th spin
For Amplifier Lesley in Wallingford, Seattle: "This song is the perfect directed rage sing-along that I need for those total garbage days. And there have been a lot of them lately."
9:49 AM
63rd spin
Amplifier Geoffrey in Milwaukee notes with this request: "Well first, there is just the music and vocals which are outstanding. But beyond that I’ve always liked the idea of a song and that we get to choose what we want in life at least most times. Right now the virus is making that a little challenging but one day we will overcome it and things will be brighter!"
For Amplifier Seamus in Atlanta: "This song always gives me hope - it's something that we all need at this point. As a part time college professor and management at a non-profit professional theatre with interns, there's something about the song that gets me through rough times, mentoring and not."
10:00 AM
464th spin
This has been an all request Amplifier edition of The Morning Show! We leave you with this last one from Jon in Queen Anne: "Back in 2009 both my wife and I were unemployed and going deep into debt just to keep food on the table. We were unsure as to what the future would hold. We were in the car together one morning feeling especially down and John played this song. We both looked at each other and instantly felt optimistic about conquering our future together. The power of music and KEXP have truly impacted our lives."
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